Thursday, May 26, 2005

The last nester

We have one more nesting goose. Athena, my Brown Chinese goose, has been sitting on her nest for over 3 weeks and her eggs should be hatching soon. She started setting a few days after Comet's eggs hatched. She was very sneaky about her nest and to tell the truth I really didn't know about it until she started setting on it. She covered the eggs with straw when she wasn't there and made very sure that nobody saw her going in or out of the brooder house where she had built her nest until she started incubating her eggs.
One night when I was feeding the geese I could not find Athena anywhere. My sister and I started to look for her as we where afraid that something had eaten her or something. Eventually we thought to look in the brooder house and there she was, sitting on a nest and flattening herself down to the straw like she didn't want to be seen. We now know that she has at least 9 eggs. She must have been laying eggs in that nest for close to 2 weeks and we never found it.
Queen, who is one of our ganders, had often been found sitting about in the same place and acting like he thought he was sitting on a nest. Maybe he was sitting on a nest. He may have thought that he had layed the eggs and was going to hatch them. When Athena started setting she promptly put an end to Queen sitting on her nest. Besides, he wasn't even sitting on it correctly. He was sort of half on and half off the nest.
Athena's eggs should hatch within a week or so and then *hopefully* I won't have any more goslings this year.

Athena on nest

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