Tuesday, May 24, 2005


I had to get glasses. I had been noticing that I couldn't see anything further away than 3 feet clearly and Mom set me up for an visit to the optometrist. It turned out that I was nearsighted just like Mom and Dad. I was going to have to get glasses. It was okay with me because it was really annoying not to be able to read any signs in town unless the letters were at least a foot high and simply not being able to see things clearly.
For a while Dad was wanting me to pay for half of the bill but I hated that idea. It would have been $150, all the money that I had saved up to upgrade my computer. Mom had been thinking that she would pay for most of it with her paycheck from the post office and I think that is what is going to happen. I think it will be something like $50 a month or something like that. At least it didn't take all my money. And now I can actually see things again!

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