Tuesday, May 24, 2005


For months I have been considering getting a few chickens. Ducks eat a huge ammount more food than chickens do, (that's why you don't want to give ducks medicated chicken food, they overdose themselves) so if I where to get, say, 4 or 5 chickens they really wouldn't eat much more than 1 or 2 ducks. And sometime this year we will probably be chopping about half of our drake population, so it wouldn't really cost me any more money to keep them. The problem is, I think the coop where I would get them is doing their last order in less than a week. I guess that I will have to decide pretty quickly what I want to do. I have a hen house in the goose pen for the geese and I could keep the chickens in that with the geese. The geese don't use it all the time and since there is no water bucket in there it isn't damp inside eather. Chickens aren't very expensive and the goose that has built her nest in my brooder house should have hatched her eggs and be out of there long before the chicks came. I guess I will just have to decide what I want to do. I don't especially need chickens but I would like to have a few.

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