Wednesday, May 11, 2005


We have goslings! One of my geese, Comet, hatched her eggs about 2 weeks ago. She had been sitting on a nest of 8 eggs for about a month and finaly they hatched! It was about 20 degrees when they hatched. 1 egg didn't quite manage to hatch because she moved off the nest with the other 7 and it froze. A few days later 1 of the little ganders died, probably because he was weaker than the others and maby got hypothermia. We put him in a box in the house but forgot to leave the light on him all night and he didn't make it. 1 more little gander drowned in the water pan about 3 days ago. He evidentaly managed to climb into the pan but couldn't get back out and eventually drowned. Now Comet has 4 girls and 1 gander. They are all doing fine right now, even though it has been raining constantly and now it is snowing. In May too!

2 of my geese and their goslings. The goose Comet is in the back, with King Konk, the gander, in front. 1 of the 5 goslings is behind Comet. The gosling on the far right is a gander, while the others are geese (females). Posted by Hello

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