Thursday, May 19, 2005


Years ago I made up a game that involved the 20 or so matchbox cars that I had at the time. I called it Beeper, which was the name of one of my favorite cars. In the game the cars were all alive and talked and thought and so on and they all lived in a town called Cartown. Cartown was sort of split down the middle, with the Goodcars living on one side and the Badcars living on the other. As their names suggest the Goodcars where nice, good, honest cars, while the Badcars where mean, lying, cheating, stealing, naughty cars. Over the coarse of time I refined the game and added more cars. Often I would play it with my younger sister, who would play with the Goodcars. I would play with the Badcars and we always had a lot of fun. Often I would end up building elaborate towns for the cars. I usually made the houses out of paper but sometimes I would cut up old cardboard boxes and use them to make the houses. Several times I have also made whole castles for the cars, making them similar to Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books. I called these castles Boghoarts and they where basically different versions of a Hogwarts for cars. Once I even started on a city for the cars, made out of cardboard and complete with skyscrapers. I ended up only finishing less than half of Badside, as I got tired of building the houses and by that time I had close to 60 Badcars. Now I probably have about 75 to 90 matchbox cars and my sister probably has 40 or 50.
Here are a few of the more important cars in Cartown:


Beeper Badcar: Beeper is the king of Badside, and is just about as bad as they get. He likes to swipe things, even though he could easily buy them, being one of the richest cars in Cartown. He easily has the largest house in Badside, which he often packs with broken pieces of machinery, old and discarded parts, and just general junk. He has an older computer which he likes to play all sorts of games on, especially games such as "Skeeper Stomper", and "Boo Basher". One of Beeper's worst enemies is Skeeper Skid, the King of Goodside.

Klagbag Jug: Klagbag is Beeper's best friend and trusty sidekick. He isn't anywhere near being a genius but is very loyal to Beeper. Klagbag has 3 cars that always go around with him like bodyguards and are generally referred to as '"Klagbag's Gang". They are Baddy Mail, a mail truck, Baddy Trash, a trash truck, and Dog, a silly car who looks somewhat like a wheeled dog. None of these 3 are especially bright, but they will do almost anything that Klagbag askes of them.

Sinder Soot: Sinder is a large, heavy black car who leads Sinder's Band, the local gang, and is about the biggest crook in Cartown. Sinder and his band can see in the dark and they are usually about after dark. Rumor has it that Sinder says that a day has been wasted if he hasn't stolen at least 1 thing that night. Sinder's Band also likes to play mean pranks on other cars, especially Goodcars. One of Sinder's favorite pastimes, other than plotting another heist upon somebody's belongings, is to dream up ways to total Boo Bang.

Boo Bang: Boo is a strange car that tends to hang out by himself and loves to play mean pranks on anybody. He is Sinder's greatest nemesis and often will mess with the wiring in Sinder's house to cause various mishaps. Boo is somewhat like a large wheeled insulated, as he does not conduct electricity for some odd reason and therefore cannot be hurt by it. He especially loves to wire light switches in Goodcar's houses so that when a Goodcar flips the switch he will first be zapped and then the switch will blow up in his face.

Aften: Aften is a Badcar airplane. He is very fat and therefore he usually has a hard time taking off and landing. He is also not very manuverable when he is flying. He has a large number of built in weapons, being a warplane, but he is not known for his ability to aim well.


Skeeper Skid: Skeeper is the king of Goodside. He is a nice, kind car, but he has a tendency to loose his temper and do rash, ungoodcarish things. Beeper is a major annoyance in Skeeper's life, and sometimes he will do something that Skeeper feels is completely inexcusable, such as planting pressure sensitive explosives inside all of the cookies that Skeeper had prepared for a meeting with his friends. When a thing like this happens a short war with Badside generally ensues, until Skeeper's anger fizzles out or Beeper manages to blow his engine out with a machine gun.

Bop Boop: Bop is Skeeper's best friend and loves to do fun things with Skeeper. Bop is a large pink car who is slightly overweight due to his over fondness for sweets. Bop and Klagbag do not get along, Klagbag generally trying to feed Bop broken glass or smash his windshield with an chair.

Gold Golden: Gold is a long green limousine with white checkers in places and a gold colored underside and trimmings. He loves to paint himself, sometimes doing it as much as a dozen times a week. He is known to have a tantrum if his paint is slightly scratched by something. He is on close terms with Skeeper and often attends meetings with him and some of his other friends. Gold has 3 close friends named Winner, Chrome, and Cylinders. They all love to paint or polish themselves and help Gold run Paint Heaven, the Goodside paint store and salon. Neither Gold or his friends have any great love for Sinder, preferring to run screaming for their homes at the first sight of him after dark.

Imp Impararey: Imp is the main Goodcar petty criminal, often making off with things such as Skeeper's best crown, Beeper's buzz saw, or Bop's sweats. He has been in the Goodcar jail more times than he can count and is known to covet the throne of Goodside. Skeeper greatly dislikes Imp, especially since Imp has hatched several hair-brained schemes to dethrone Skeeper and place himself on the throne of Goodside.

There are many more major cars, both good and bad, but I don't have time to name them all at this time. Check back soon as I will likely be posting more bios of the residents of Cartown soon.

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