Monday, May 09, 2005

Extremely Annoying Sister

My little sister is being about as annoying as they can possibly get. She is very bossy and often she likes to act like she thinks she is my mother. For instance when she is washing the dishes it is "Get in hear and get rid of the scraps!" and then 2 minutes later it is "Get in hear and rinse the dishes -- NOW!!" And if she finds that I have uninstalled an application from my computer she is like "Where's such and such." I say that I uninstalled it and she demands to know why. I tell her that I had to remove it and she repeates herself. I tell her that would she please leave me alone and that I would really appriciate it if she could keep her nose out of my screen. Besides, it really isn't any more her business what apps I uninstall off my computer than it is my business what color if underwear she has on. She won't go away and I get mad and yell at her to please just bug off and she spends the next half our leacturing me about why not to yell, especially not to her. I tell her that she is just making me madder and she repeates herself another 200 times. Of course since I don't have my own room there is absolutely no place I can go to get away from her. She also greatly enjoyes hitting me whenever she thinks she can get away with it as she is a girl and can hit the boy, but since the boy is a boy he can't hit the girl. So she hits me and never gets in trouble. You can probably guess what happens if I loose control hit her back. "Mom! Mom! Jason hit me!" and Jason gets it. I really nead some place that I can go to get away from Sneazer (or as she calles herself, Keely). As it is there is absolutely no way that I can escape and so she can content herself with driving me as nuts as possible. What an annoying little girl.


Keely said...

You forgot to say that YOU sometimes annoy me, and that I then can't control my temper, Big Boy.

Anonymous said...

Keely sounds like a very sweet young lady. However, you sound like an evil stepbrother. BG