Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Beeper and the explosive cookies

Beeper was bored. There was nothing good on TV, most of the shows were just dumb goodcar stuff, and the rest was either incredibly stupid or he had already seen it. He had already played several of his computer games and he didn't feel like playing any more. Besides, he had broken his keyboard in half when Bop beat him in one of his racing games. Bop had thrown a can of glue onto the track about 6 inches before the finish line and Beeper had become stuck in the glue. Then Bop just drove up him like a ramp and won the race.
When badcars are bored they often times resort to doing what badcars do best. Causing trouble.

Beeper had a bin of small pressure sensitive explosives in one of his weapons rooms and he loaded up his trunk with some of those. Then he drove off towards Goodside. First, he decided, he would pay Skeeper's house a visit. Skeeper was his biggest enemy and besides, Skeeper had a computer. Beeper thought he might cause Skeeper a little trouble and possibly borrow Skeeper's keyboard to replace the one he had smashed. When he reached Skeeper's house he slipped around to the back and drove over to the back door and tried to open it. It was locked, of coarse, so Beeper pulled one of his burglary items out of his trunk. A battery powered drill. Beeper went to work on the lock and in under a minute he had drilled out the lock. Eventually somebody would notice that the door knob was slightly loose, and that there was a large hole in the outside knob, but Beeper really didn't care.
He pulled the door open and slipped inside. Looking around, he saw that he was in a smallish entry way that appeared to open into a kitchen. Driving to the door, Beeper peaked out into the kitchen, which appeared to be deserted. He saw, sitting upon the counter, several large pans of cookies, just ready to be put into the oven. Beeper sat and thought for a moment and then drove over to the counter. Opening his trunk, he selected the largest cookie sheet and started pushing tiny land mines down inside each cookie. He continued to do this for about 5 minutes, until he heard somebody approaching. Closing his trunk he shot out of the kitchen and ducked into a small shower room outside. Peeking out the doorway he saw Skeeper drive into the kitchen and put the cookies in the oven.
"Oh my, these look so good," Skeeper said, "The cars at the meeting tonight will just love them."
Beeper grinned and drove quietly out of the room and off down the hallway toward Skeeper's computer room. He decided that first he would borrow the keyboard and then he would do some more mischief in Goodside. He would halve to remember to come back around when Skeeper's meeting started. Unless he was much mistaken some Goodcars would be getting their teeth blown out that evening.

When Beeper reached Skeeper's computer room he drove straight over to the computer and removed the keyboard. The computer was still on and emitted a loud beep when he pulled the keyboard plug out. Grumbling, he drove out of the room and into Skeeper's bedroom. He was feeling a bit hungry so he drove underneath Skeeper's huge bead and proceeded to knaw the underside of the bed so that anyone who got on it would fall right through it. Then he drove over to the light switch and removed the cover. Being careful to stay away from the wires, Beeper inserted one of his explosives and then put the cover back on. As he drove out of the room he wondered how Skeeper would like his light switch blowing up when he turned the light on next.

Beeper drove around the house a little more and rigged about 10 more light switches. Then after wedging an bomb behind each hinge of Skeeper's front door he drove back out the back door. After absently snagging an empty beer bottle from a nearby trash can and throwing it through the window of a nearby house Beeper drove around to the front of Skeeper's house and rung the doorbell. Then he quickly backed off behind a hedge and waited. In a moment Moon, another goodcar, drove to the door and opened it.
There was a loud bang and suddenly Moon found himself flattened underneath the heavy front door. Beeper drove off down the street snickering to himself and proceeded to Bop's house. Along the way he ducked into a store and simply drove out with a can of glue. When he got to Bop's house he dumped the glue on the door mat and then threw a rock at the door. Beeper threw several more rocks at Bop's door and when a very angry Bop came out he stuck fast to his door mat. After calling Bop several rude names Beeper drove off towards Badside.

When he got home he installed Skeeper's keyboard and proceeded to type out a very rude email to Skeeper. When he was done typing he printed it out and read it before he sent it. This is what it said:

deer sKeepr
yoo r a stoopid junk heep. iF yoo proseed doun 2 Bopz hows yoo wil probublee find him glood 2 thu dormat, Doo yoo think that yoo kood prchus a nu brane 4 yoo? Beekuz yoo reely need wun. if yoo r wundring about wer yrr keebord went than yoo kan go and tok 2 Imp! he took it. Goodkarz r stoopid dont yoo ugree? yoo no wot yoo r Skeepr? yOO r a stoopud junk heep hoo duznt no wot iz good 4 him. go and run intoo a brik wol at 100 milz an owr. Then yoo wood be a bit smartr. Yood look betr too. Beeper.

"That should do." Beeper said, pressing the send button on his screen. Then he decided to go over and visit Klagbag and play some video games with him. Klagbag had 'Goodcar annihilator', 'Skeeper Squasher' and 'Bop Bomber', all of which where very fun. After that Beeper and Klagbag continued working on their 'Goo Gun' which fired explosive pellets of a very sticky goo.

Late that afternoon Beeper drove up to Skeeper's house. Driving around to the back he entered through the back door. Sneaking over to Skeeper's study he saw Skeeper on the couch talking to Bop.
"Oh Bop, that was horrible," Skeeper was saying, "You where glued to your own door mat for 3 whole hours! I didn't even know about it until I had gone and bought a new keyboard for my computer and checked my email. That horrible badcar Beeper had sent me an email and he said you where glued to your doormat."
"He did?" Bop said, "He was throwing rocks at my front door this morning and when I came out to tell him to stop I stuck to the mat. He must have dumped glue on it deliberately so that I would get stuck to it."
"Naturaly. You know how those badcars are. Always trying to cause trouble and hurt others. Oh here are the cars for the meeting!"
A very dented Moon had just driven into the room, followed by Gold, Winner, Chrome, Cylinders, P9, Cherry, Evergreen, and Seal. All where members of what was generally called Skeeper's 'Inner Circle'. Making sure that he was well hidden in an old laundry basket across the hall Beeper settled down to wait.
The goodcars spend about 45 minutes talking about dull goodcar stuff and Beeper was getting genuinely bored when Skeeper finally offered to bring out the refreshments. Skeeper brought out some punch and a big bowl of cookies. All the cars grabbed some cookies and started eating them. They all complimented Skeeper on how good they where and reached for more. Most of the cars jammed as many as 5 cookies in their mouths at once and where chewing happily when there was a loud explosion from Bop's mouth. Bop let out a howl just as explosions where heard from every other car in the room. Skeeper dropped a cookie he had been holding and accidentally drove on it, only for it to expload and blow his tire to shreds.
"Oh owb!" Skeeper yelled, spitting out bits of cookie and teeth.
"WWWWWWWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Gold shrieked, "Oab my bour moub!"
"Skeefer Skeefer, by bouth god bload ub!" Bop cried.
"All my teef are all gog." P9 moaned. "How bill I eab?"
"Owf, by mouf hurds" Cherry said, spitting out 5 teeth.

Unable to contain himself any longer Beeper burst out of the laundry basket laughing his head off.
"Haa Haa Haa Haaaa! Stupid dumb goodcars! Haa haa haa haa haaaaa. Hee hee hee hee hee." He shot off down the hallway as Skeeper pushed a large red button inset in the wall. A siren started wailing and the police car came shooting out of the police station and towards Skeeper's house. Porsha came skidding around a corner with a machine gun and started shooting at Beeper's fleeing behind.
"Ow ow owww ow owwwwwww ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" Beeper howled as he drove directly out of Skeepers living room window, crashed through a flower bed, skidded across the lawn, leaving long gashes in the grass, and crashed through the front gate, machine gun fire peppering his rear end as he went. Pulling several bombs out of what was left of his trunk he flung them behind him. They blew up with dull phut sounds and filled the air with smelly black, purple, green, and red smoke. Smoke bombs. Something came flying out from the smoke and through the open front door. Blue smoke started billowing from Skeeper's front hall and an tinny speaker crackled to life.
"Suckers. Suckers. Suckers. Suckers. Suckers. Suckers" it repeated over and over. Then Beeper's engine was heard revving and he was gone up the street, bullets harmelessly pinging off the asphalt behind him.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Thats hillarious. Keep it up.