Friday, November 23, 2007

Chain Letters

From: Syndr <syndr@somewhere.hell>
Date: Nov 21, 2007 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: FW: love you all!! soo much, dear friends

Very nice. Some of the stuff in this letter is interesting, but you apparently sent it to everybody in your address book. If you had bothered to look in the nicely included message header you would surely have seen that the same person who sent it to you had already sent it to me along with half a dozen other people. Even if you didn't look there, and don't even know what the message header is, you surely knew who sent it to you in the first place, and yet you still sent theme their own special copy too. I know... you were just doing what it said at the bottom. I mean, who doesn't want something wonderful to happen to them at 3pm tomorrow? Who wouldn't want to realize who the love of their life is at midnight tonight? And god forbid that someone should realize that you don't want to be their friend anymore if they don't find at least two identical copies of this message in their inbox the next time they check it.

This message is something called a chain letter. A chain letter usually takes the form of a long message filled with various tidbits of useless information that is commonly termed as "cute" or "funny". At the end of the document is a message urging you to send it to as many people as possible, and giving various motivations for doing so. Its only purpose is to become as widespread as possible, clogging up as many inboxes worldwide as it can with incarnations of its self. Go look it up in a dictionary.
Chain letters tread a fine line between mildly interesting and extremely annoying upon their first appearance in my inbox. After the same chain letter begins to multiply in front of me its status plummets from the basement of the dilapidated meth lab across the street to the bottom of a communal outhouse in southeast Africa. Right on an even ground with the advertisements selling "cheap prescription drugs" and "bargain porno".
People who habitually send chain letters find their reputation steadily dropping until they reach a preset level of annoyance, after which their address is fed to the anti-spam bot and they are never heard from again.


Send this message to everybody in your address book at least twice and $100,000 in cash will appear in front of you out of thin air within ten minutes.

The image

On Nov 21, 2007 6:15 PM, Some Person <acquaintance@address.dork> wrote:

-nasty chain letter crap-