Sunday, June 11, 2006

G. A. S. -- Goats Are Stupid

This is the official dictionary definision of "goat" from

goat Audio pronunciation of "goat" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gt)
  1. Any of various hollow-horned, bearded ruminant mammals of the genus Capra, originally of mountainous areas of the Old World, especially any of the domesticated forms of C. hircus, raised for wool, milk, and meat.
  2. A lecherous man.
  3. A scapegoat.
  4. Goat See Capricorn.
This is my definision:

goat (got)
1. Any of various bovine horned animals of the genus Capwa who like dung heaps, and climbing on rocks when they aren't destroying things, such as fences and their barns. The males of this species are known to both smell awful and to keep their brains hanging between their rear legs.
2. A
destructive, reletively stupid, and deliberately contrary animal.

Basically, we have goats as anybody who knows anything about farm animals will know, we have to milk them morning and night. I have to help with this operation. I like the milk a lot and all that, but the fact remains that I am spending at least 3 hours morning
and night out there taking care of goats. That's 6 hours out of my day! Now, yesterday my dad was talking with this other guy who has goats and he told us how he milks his. He uses a machine, just like us, but he gets only 2 less doe goats than we have done in less than an hour. We decided to try his method that night and low and behold, we got done in about an hour. That's 2 hours less time! My dad wasn't sure about it though. Anyway, today the milk wouldn't filter. One of the stupider ones got mastitus. AAAARRRRGG!!!!!

I'll quit going on and on about this. Basically the incredibly stupid goat got an infection in it's udder, my dad thinks this other method of washing the udders gave her the infection in 1, yes
one, day, and now it means extra work milking the stupid animal by hand and some other crap - and we go back to the old method. I just lost 4 hours of my day.... again, all because of a extremely retarded animal and a cursed asumption.
